Saturday, November 27, 2010

Watching your ex and their exes

Shaking limbs
Spinning head
Stomach churning
Suspicions growing

Its painful, being the ex who knows the others passwords. 
Reading the conversations between your past lover and their past lovers. 
Seeing they are the only ones that they talk to. That they use full sentences when you get one word, bull-shit phrases. 

Makes you want to just snap. 

Shouldn't really bottle up so many emotions.
Makes the moments when you do snap oh so confusing.
Unable to tell if you want to cry, scream, die, or kill someone.

Your exes exes.

Also makes it harder to put your mask on.
To type those fake smiles
Those sickenly happy commetns

When you want to have a total break down.

Is love really worth it?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A door that opens to a brick wall

     People used to tell me that when god shuts a door he opens another.
They didn't tell me that he slammed doors in your face.
     Or that some doors opened to rock bottoms or brick walls.
They really should have...